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Here's 4 Healthy Drinks To Warm the Body

Unknown | 8:10 PM | 0 comments

When the weather is cold and the rain kept pouring, the thing to do is keep health. Fortunately, there are some tasty drinks that not only can help you warm, but also can keep the immune system and prevent the body from disease such as asthma, flu, fever, cough and other diseases that commonly come in the rain or cold weather.

For that, consider some warm drinks you can consume it in the rain.

Green tea

Green tea is known as a beverage rich in antioxidants. Efficacy of the content is able to fight free radicals, prevent cancer, heart disease and damage to DNA.

Green tea has a mild flavor and is very precise in the cold drink. In addition to delicious and healthful, green tea also has beauty benefits. For those of you who are lazy to wash your face in cold weather, consuming green tea can prevent and treat acne and reduce the symptoms of eczema.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a very tasty drink no matter how they drink it cold or hot. Apples are known to contain substances that can increase levels of estrogen. As is known, a common cause of low estrogen osteoporosis.

While the content of pectin in apples will increase the acidity of the stomach, which in turn increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. In addition, the cold air can trigger asthma symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath occurs due to inflammation and airway disorders can also be treated by consuming apple cider vinegar. For extra flavor and aroma, you can add cinnamon to this drink.


Warm Ginger certainly one of the famous drinks in cold weather. Ginger can also help calm the nerves. For more recipes bermanfat warm ginger, you can mix ginger with honey and the juice of a lemon.

As is known, lemon fruit is rich in vitamin C and contain phytochemicals. That is what makes lemons can help boost your immune system. In addition, ginger and honey is also known to be useful for the body's immune system. In addition to warm up, drink it able to keep your body stay healthy in the cold weather-prone diseases.


Warm chocolate drink usually made from cocoa powder mixed with warm milk and sugar. According to a study conducted at Cornell University, the concentration of antioxidants contained in chocolate warmer more powerful than red wine, green tea and black tea even. This is because higher levels of antioxidants that out when cocoa is mixed with warm water.

Flavonoids help the body process nitric oxide, which increases blood flow, helps lower blood pressure and improve heart health. In addition, flavonoids also help prevent blood from coagulating. According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, consuming hot chocolate can also help you think better because flavonoids increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain.

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