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Benefits and Efficacy of Rambutan Fruit

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Rambutan season arrives. Many car dealers are filled with the fruit of a sweet red. Delicious and fresh rambutan is a favorite fruit of Indonesian citizens. What are the benefits? Let's read the health benefits of rambutan that makes you want to eat it again and again, reported 101 Healthy Recipes.

In outline, rambutan rich in sugar. Most are fructose and sucrose, but contains very little calories, only 60 calories in each piece. An abundance of vitamin C in the rambutan, including potassium, iron, vitamin A, and a little calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, niacin, fiber and protein.

Anti Cancer. Rambutan contains antioxidant ingredients. A study conducted by the University of Chiang Mai in Thailand found that rambutan fruit, seeds and skin have powerful antioxidants called flavonoids. Several types of flavonoids are believed to reduce cholesterol, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory.

Protector of Free Radicals. One of the compounds contained in the skin of rambutan is gallic acid. This compound serves as an antidote to free radicals because it helps protect the body from oxidative damage. Again, this can be a help to fight cancer.

Rich in Vitamin C. As already outlined above, rambutan rich in vitamin C. If someone is taking 10 to 12 fruits rambutan, he was taking 75-90 mg ascorbic acid, more than double the recommended amount in the daily menu. In addition to functioning as an antioxidant, vitamin C can prevent cell damage and helps the absorption of iron.

Blood Formation. Sweet fruit also has small amounts of copper. This substance is needed to create more white blood cells and red blood cells. In addition, rambutan also contains iron that may help prevent anemia.

Healthy Digestion. Rambutan also has fiber that can help a person avoid constipation. In addition, rambutan can also kill parasites in the intestines and helps relieve symptoms of diarrhea.

The benefits are so many, right? Come buy rambutan, enjoy the fresh sweetness as well as a huge benefit of rambutan.


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