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Some Kind of Dried Fruits is Very Beneficial For Health

Unknown | 11:42 AM | 0 comments

For those of you who always provide candied fruit for a snack, there is good news. Apparently, some kind of dried fruit is very beneficial for health. Overcoming illness that often arise in everyday life. Following recommendation:

Raisins: Osteoporosis

Boron and mineral substances contained in raisins to reduce bone loss. Especially in women entering menopause. You can mix in yogurt are rich in calcium. These alloys will produce optimal nutrition.

Dates: Fatigue

This fruit can be considered as energy-producing fruit. A relatively low glycemic index will release sugar slowly. This is what makes you stable energy throughout the day.

Cherries: Uric Acid

In medicine used to relieve joint inflammation, widely used material anthoycyanins. Well, it turns out a lot of material found in cherries. Quoted by the Daily Mail, a recent study conducted Michigan University also reveal if cherries can reduce inflammation by up to 50 per cent mark. For effective consumption, you can provide a half-cup of cherries twice a day.

Apricots: High blood pressure

Dried apricots, contain three times more potassium than bananas. Candied can help lower blood pressure. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta also suggest eating more potassium as protection against high blood pressure and heart.

Cranberry: Bladder Infection

Especially in women more often have a bladder infection, it can be candied healthy snack. Studies in the United States said that if the active ingredients in two handfuls proanthocyanidins (42.5 grams) of cranberries could reduce E. coli in urine sempel women with the infection. (art)

source: VIVAlife

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