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Grapes Make Slim Body

Unknown | 5:30 AM | 0 comments

If you want to trim and maintain ideal weight remains, it does not hurt to regularly eat grapes. A recent research indicates, a compound found in red wine, grapes and some other fruits are similar in structure to resveratrol, is able to block the cellular processes that allow fat cells to develop.

Kee-Hong Kim and Jung Yeon Kwon, two scientists from Purdue University in the Journal of Biological Chemistry reported that compounds in grapes called piceatannol has the ability to block the immature fat cells to grow and develop.

Researchers say, piceatannol has a structure similar to resveratrol - a compound found in grapes and peanuts are expected to help fight cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative disease. According to scientists, piceatannol may be an important weapon to fight obesity. Resveratrol converted to piceatannol in humans after ingestion.

"Piceatannol actually can alter gene expression, gene function and insulin during adipogenesis (fat cells start the process turn into mature fat cells)," said Kim.

"In the presence of piceatannol, we can see a delay or obstacles adipogenesis process," he added.

Kim explained, over a period of 10 days or more, the fat cells in the body are usually not too ripe, this phase is called preadipocytes. However, after going through several stages, the fat cells were transformed into mature, or so-called adipocytes.

"We consider the process of adipogenesis is the right target to delay or prevent the accumulation of fat cells," he said.

Kim added, piceatannol capable of binding to insulin receptors than fat cells do not mature at the first stage of the process of adipogenesis. Piceatannol also works by blocking the pathway of fat cells to produce and grow.

Piceatannol is one of the few compounds that are currently being studied for health benefits, which are also present in different amounts in the seeds and skins of grapes, blueberries, passion fruit, and other fruit.

Kim confirmed that the current findings do based on the cell culture system, using animal models of obesity. "We still need to work to improve the stability and solubility of piceatannol to create a biological effect," added Kim.



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