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Six Rules for Realistic Sleeping Beauty

Unknown | 12:26 AM | 0 comments

How can sleep soundly at night? Many say, bikinlah bedroom as comfortable as possible like the spa. Do not drink caffeinated beverages on the clock 14. Do not put your laptop in the room.

But a medical expert on sleep, Michael Breus, admitted that he could sleep even with the TV on. He said the rules should be shunned hard bed alone. Do the things that make sense according to our lifestyle.

Here's a tip to sleep more surprising that you can apply.

Sleep on the weekends

Forget all the rules-it's about maintaining a consistent wake time every day. Delaying the time up at the weekend can provide real benefits. Adults who lack sleep for five days to "pay the debt" sleep when they sleep 10 hours the next night, according to findings in a study in the journal "Sleep".

However, the best thing to do is to add extra time to sleep one or two hours on Saturday and Sunday. "More than that, your biological clock is changed, and then you will not be able to sleep well on Sunday night," said Carol E. Ash, a sleep specialist at the Monmouth Country, New Jersey.

If additional time was not enough to make you feel quite rested, sleep for 20 minutes at 3 or 4 pm on weekends, that will not break your body clock, says Ash.

Exercising before bed. It's not dangerous!

Exercising after dinner has long been considered taboo according to sleep experts. But it turns out, it can help you sleep more soundly. Adults who ride bicycles for about 35 minutes, about two hours before bed, can fall asleep more quickly and soundly than when they were not exercising, according to a recent study in the "Journal of Sleep Research".

You may feel that jogging on the treadmill for an hour before bedtime will not help you sleep soundly, but if you do it 2-3 hours before bed, you'll sleep very soundly. Sports, whenever you can do it, is one of the best sleeping pills.

Sleeping with pets

Feeling lonely? If so, you will often wake up at night, according to the research findings of University of Chicago. Consider invite your new bed ... at a local animal shelter that is around you.

"I recommend to my patients who do not like to sleep alone to consider bring a dog as a friend on the bed," said Dr. Shives. A pet helps many women feel a little lonely, who could return to sleep soundly.

No problem for breaking the rules "prohibited animal to bed", even when you are not feeling lonely, especially if you get banned furry friend will make it fussy, better get him into the room. "If I exclude my cat from the bedroom, he would paw the door all night and I could not sleep even be made," said Breus, author of "The Sleep Doctor's Diet Plan: Lose Wight thrugh Better Sleep".

Playing bedtime

Next time when you wake up in the middle of the night and can not fall back to sleep, ignoring the rules to get out of bed and read under the dim room light. Dr. Shives recommends a new strategy: to calm your mind and listen to audiobooks on your phone or music player you've prepared at the bedside. Replace the earphones, press the Play button, and close the music player screen to block the light.

The story is played should not be too stimulating, so choose a story or biography of your favorite books in childhood, do not even choose "Fifty Shades of Grey". In minute 15 to 20, the story should be able to soothe you to sleep, he said. Shives.

If the TV has a sleep aid for you, follow this trick Breus: Turn on the TV by using the sleep timer and set it to be turned off after 30 minutes.

Think before you drink
In general a good idea to stop consuming coffee, soda, and energy drinks in 7-8 hours before bedtime. But this effect can not sleep due to caffeine can affect everyone in different ways.

Download caffeine Zone 2 Lite (free in the iTunes App Store), which was developed by researchers at Penn State, to help you predict the time consuming caffeine that gives stamina without stealing your bedtime. Also beware, drink alcohol in the evening can be disastrous for your bed as well as a cappuccino after dinner. Under the influence of alcohol, you may be able to fall asleep in seconds.

The problem is, you will wake up four or five hours later. And healthy woman is much more susceptible to the effects of sleep disorders due to drink, according to new University of Michigan study. "Best rule: Drink-drink three hours before you sleep," Breus says.

Get quality sleep

You've recorded your sport, so why not record your sleep habits? Some new bed tracking device in mobile applications, such as the Zeo Sleep Manager and Lark, allowing you to track time and wake up your sleeping habits, how much light sleep and deep sleep you get, and how many times the amount you awake in the middle of the night.

We love apps like Renew SleepCLock (for 200 dollars U.S. [about R1, 93 million] in, or can be obtained free of charge at the iTunes App Store) because you do not have to wear anything on your body to use, movements and level Your breathing is detected and monitored through your iPhone, and listed on the docking SleepCock beside your bed.

Source: Yahoo

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